While growing up, before the invention of some of the technologies we have now, I usually hear people saying that they are waiting for the day there would be a machine or maybe a robot that will get them out of bed, take their baths for them and dress for them. they did not stop there, they also wanted cars that would drive them to their location without them having to do anything. I used to tell them that they were lazy.
Science advancement and innovations
But looking at the world around me now, it is happening already, maybe not in the full scale, but in basic things like owing a tesla car that would drive you to your location without you doing the work or owing a vacuum cleaner that works on its own without you having to manually push it. The truth is this, science is advancing, and I have decided not to be a hater. I have decided to jump into the wagon. So I will list some of the things I want from science.
Trends and outlooks in science and technology
I would love if space can be made accessible, probably by creating a 3D replica of what each planet from space looks like and having an experience in them.
I would also like a simulator where I get to go under the water, play with the fishes without really having to be there. Without being afraid of getting eaten by sharks.
These things might be existing, but I would like it to be easily accessible so I can tick if off my wish list.
After reading this, I enjoin you to get a small book and write out the things you want from science and tick them off as they come into existence. If you think they will not happen in your life time, pass it down to your children and tell them to tick it off for you.